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Here is a selection of links that we find Useful from time to time. If you have any suggestions for additions, please Email me

- Excellent site for Product Reviews
Access NewsGroups Discussion Group Format comp.databases.theory
  IBM DB2 DB2 Discussion Group
Add-Ons OnYourSite Doesn't really belong here - it's just squatting
Books Chris Date Highly respected author - recommended for academic rigor
Books Online Books Online Very wide range of books available.
Books Online Books Online - LCIS Very wide range of books available.
Books Online Very wide range of books for sale
Career Guidance Computer Museum What is a Database Specialist ?
Certification BrainBuzz Test your Skill Level
Certification CertCities Dedicated to Certification only.
Certification ICTP Guild for IT Pros Offers Training,Certification and lots of other interesting facilities.
Contractors IT Contractor Magazone  
Data Modelling Jnl of Conceptual Modelling Available Online Free-of-Charge
Data Modelling Universal Data Models Available for a Charge
Data Warehousing Clickstream Analysis Courtesy ArsDigita (PhilG)
Data Warehousing Data Warehouse Community Has a useful Message Board
DBA Stuff A HREF="" TARGET=_NEW>Team DBA Looks very promising,as
DBMS IB Phoenix InterBase and Firebird.
Design Ronin Extreme Modelling
Discussion Groups InfoAdvisors Excellent List of User Groups for Data Modelling, including ERWin and CaseWise
Downloads Winsite Excellent Source of Download Software
Dubai Dubai Internet City Excellent Starting-point (esp.Oracle)
Dubai Ideas Oasis Dubai Ideas Oasis Looks interesting
Dubai & Qatar Tejari Run by Ms.Lubna al-Qasimi
Enterprise Data Architecture "DB Stuff" Web Site dedicated to Enterprise Data Architecture
Enterprise Integration Enterprise Application Integration Journal  
Enterprise Integration Metagon Enterprise Integration Vendors
Enterprise Integration SeeBeyond Enterprise Integration Vendors
Enterprise Integration SolTeq Enterprise Integration Vendors
Events MetaData Conference Nov 29th - 1st. Dec
Experts AskMe Free Advice
Experts Consultants on Demand Services at a Price
Experts CRM Guru Looks good - sign-up
Experts DBAzine Online Portal for DB Solutions - highly recommended
Experts Professional work done for a Price
Experts (More) Professional work done for a Price
Experts Experts available for a Price
Experts GeekCorps Check this out
Experts Maybe Free Advice
Experts HelloBrain Advice and Projects (for a Price)
Experts InformIT Advice for a Price
Experts Java Skyline An excellent reference Site
Experts Lazy DBA Looks excellent - check it out
Experts MyBizMall Seems to be a kind of Cooperative
Experts Good mixture of daily industry gossip and technical discussion
Experts Recommended - White Papers (i.e. "Tech Guides") available
Experts A Peer-Group - (and a good site)aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Experts To be checked out
Experts World Wide Institute of Software Architects Looks excellent - To be checked out
Incubators AntFactory Site Under Construction !!!
Incubators BrainSpark Very slow to Load - uses Flash !!!
Incubators Oracle Gary Bloom, Exec VP
ISP BestNet Supports Oracle 8i, SQL Server, MySQL, etc.
ISP BreakAway ASP
ISP Iarna Supports Oracle and SQL Server
ISP/MySQL MetaDot Community Software/MySQL based/Hosted at SourceForge
MetaData MetaData Exchange This looks good
MySQL The Web Site for the original MySQL creators makes an excellent starting-point
MySQL Here's a 'competing Home Page' for MySQL, launched by NuSphere in August, 2001.
MySQL NuSphere Commercial support for MySQL
MySQL OnLamp MySQL, PHP, Python, etc..
MySQL Tutorial - Part 1 Starting Out (by Web Shed - an excellent Site for Developers)
MySQL Tutorial - Part 2 Looks at SELECT, etc..
MySQL DevShed Site Check this regularly.
Online Databases Bit Locker Highly Recommended - Create your own Online Database.
Online Training Data Modelling Tutorial NorthWestern University.
Online Training MIT Software Engineering for Not really Online Training, but anything from Philip Greenspun is worth looking at..
Online Training Find Tutorials for Databases, including MySQL and Oracle, but the only Tutorial for Oracle is Developer 2000 Reports 2.5.
Online Training FreeSkills FREE TRAINING !!! which includes Oracle
Online Training  
Online Training Tutorials  
Oracle "Definive Guide to Oracle Indexes" This Web Site is an excellent Guide to Oracle products
Peer Groups World Wide Institute of Software Architects Looks excellent - To be checked out
PHP The Fountainhead
PHP Also Scripts for other Areas
PHP OnLamp MySQL, PHP, Python, etc..
PHP phpBuilder Highly recommended
PHP PHP Classes Free Code available.
PHP px.SKLAR PHP Code Exchange(Search for Search)
PHP phpMyAdmin Free download from SourceForge
PHP phpNuke Free download of highly recommended Admin Tool.
PHP phPioneers Source Code available
PHP PHP Web Ring, (in German !!!) Check out the Members in the Ring
PHP phpWizard Free download of highly recommended Admin Tool.
PostgreSQL PostgreSQL Inc. Start Here
PostgreSQL PostgreSQL.Org This also looks good
PostgreSQL DevShed PostgreSQL
Portals Oracle Portal WebDB 3.0 Version 3 is a major jump into Portal Development
Publications Data Administration Newsletter Generally Useful Information.
Publications Intellligent Enterprise Used to be DBMS Magazine.
Reference Inform Database IT Information on Oracle,SQL Server,Access, etc.
Lists the most popular Database Books and has Chapters online.
Reference Data Reference Data Portal An excellent Site devoted exclusively to this important topic.
Remote DBA Dial a DBA Offered by Baytree IT,(UK).
Remote DBA Remote Support TUSC,(USA) - probably the preeminent Oracle Consultants.
SQL Server SQL Zone A Useful Starting-point
Standards ANSI SQL 3/92
UML UML Zone  
Vendors DataTrain Design Assist -Oracle Designer Add-On
Vendors DataTrain Oracle Training - US and UK
Vendors IBM DB2 Pushing to overtake Oracle
Vendors Oracle The One making the Running
Vendors Web DBA Free 30Mb Download available
Watchers Technology Board Worth checking from time-to-time.
Yale Yale University One of Life's Turning-points
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