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BMEWS Presentation 2 - Why You Need a Strategy for Data Management 
    Building Blocks in
    our Road Map
Stages in our Road Map
Are you having trouble getting to grips with all the data and information in your organization ?
Then you need a Strategy for Data Management

These are the Benefits :-
  • You can be sure that your organisation is fully compliant with all the statutory regulations on data protection and governance (Data Governance)
  • The performance of your organisation is reported correctly and consistently (Performance Reports)
  • You can trust all your data to be accurate and up-to-date when you make your business decisions (Data Governance)
  • You are provided with a 'Single Version of the Truth' in your organisation (Data Integration)
  • You can access any piece of data at any time from any device or location to support decision-making (Data Integration)
  • Your data is protected and secure. (Data Governance)
  • You will know where all your corporate data is stored (Information Catalogue)
    How do you get started ?

  • Step 1. Use our Road Map to check out where you stand in the Maturity Model
  • Step 2. Then plan your own Strategy for Data Management.
  • Step 3. Download our Strategy to help you in your planning.
  • Step 4. Finally, send us an Email to let us know how you get on.

    A variety of different ways of implementing this Data Architecture are available from vendors such as IBM and Oracle.
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