Database Answers   A Pause for Thought with Aaron Neville

A Day in the Life of a Data Modeller
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The photos below this line are made available by Philip Greenspun, a great guy who is a full professor at MIT and a remarkable combination of academic and entrepreneur.

Stage (1) Waking in the Morning
After a restful night I wake up thinking about my current interest, which is a Data Model for the internet_of_things.
Vernal Falls with Rainbow, Yosemite National Park
Marmot, Sierra Nevada Stage (2) Lunch Time
I work through lunch, make some calls and check the emails.
Then I meet up with my favourite DBA and realise that I was very happy when I
worked as a DBA for about 8 years.
Even though nobody ever said "Thanks, Barry for doing such a great job".

Then I meet with our Subject Master EXperts (SMEs) to review my latest draft of the Subject Area Models.
We achieve agreement and a commitment to sign-off from the SMEs - which is a great outcome.
Stage (3) The End of the Day
Take care of any critical Tasks still outstanding.
Set-up overnight Jobs :-
  • Check that any Database Scripts for changes to Master Data Management are
        in line with my Subject Area Models

    Go home, reflecting on a good day ;-0)
  • Rain Forest, Costa Rica

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