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Steps to Peackcok Pond, Florida
Summary of Steps to a CRM Data Architecture

1   Design the Logical Layer  
  1 Create an Inventory of the Applications Start the Data Dictionary here
  2 Identify Data Sources and Data Owners Discuss with Vendors
  3 Obtain Vendors Data Models Discuss with Vendors
  4 Design Top-Level Data Architecture Carry out Design Review
  5 Design Data Models for each Application or Function Use Data Modelling Tool
  6 Design Integrated Database Create Data Model and Sub-Models
  7 Review Data Dictionary Ensure Consistency and Completeness
2   Design Physical Layer  
  1 Define Data islands and Interfaces  
  2 Produce a CRUD Matrix Add to the Data Dictionary
  3 Create Data Flow Diagrams  
  4 Translate UML Model to ERD Design Review with Developers
3   Design Implementation Layer  
  1 Choose Tools for Data Migration Review against Corporate Standards
  2 Carry out a Design Review With Users and Developers
  3 Agree User Scenarios Requires User Commitment
  4 Produce Database Sizing Estimates Figures will be vendor-specific
  5 Agree Terms of Reference for the Pilot Project Identify a User Sponsor or Champion
  6 Agree Conditions for Success for the Pilot Project Lay the ground for the future

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