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Background to Database Sizing

1. Introduction
The discussion below suggests a quick, general approach as well as a
detailed approach based on calculating the space required for individual Tables.
For these calculations, it is recommended that a tool should be used 
for calculating disk space requirements at the detailed Table level.
This could either be an Excel spreadsheet with the appropriate formulae
built-in, or it could be a series of SQL Scripts.
Both of these approaches would be driven by a Data Dictionary holding
details of the major Tables in the Database.
2. Background
Disks are relatively cheap, and each additional disk provides significant increases in capacity.
The activity of Database sizing should be carried out against a background of possible disk configurations.
Sizing estimates should produce an indication of a point on a disk 'shopping-list'.
This sort of analysis can become terribly sophisticated, but it is important to bear in 
mind that the objective is to obtain an approximate figure which can be used to identify 
a point in a clear range of options.
With variable data types, the exact nature of the data will determine the requirement, 
and it is necessary to make some assumptions about the characteristics of the data in 
order to arrive at any meaningful figures.
3. A Quick Approach for Oracle
A quick approach to estimating Oracle space requirements that can sometimes help is to 
ask how much space the data requires (or would require) if it were stored in character 
format in a sequential file, then add 20% for overhead (block headers, free space, etc., 
and then multiply that number by 4.
It is possible to get really involved in estimating space, but if performance and reliability are issues, 
(which they usually are), then the estimating needs to be in terms of the number of drives, not megabytes.
4. An Oracle Environment
In a typical Oracle environment, production databases have a minimum of five dedicated disk drives, (in 
addition to the drives used for the Operating System and Swap space), even if the database has only 10,000 records 
in a single table.  
Here are some working assumptions :-
 1) all of the data will go onto a dedicated drive.
 2) another drive will be used for indexes.
 3) another drive will be used for sorting (temporary data) and concurrency (rollback). 
 4) another drive will be used for the online redo logs.
 5) another drive for the executables, the system tablespace, the admin directory, and 
      archive logs.
 6) perhaps another drive for the export files and possibly backup data files.  
 7)  if you can't afford any downtime due to a failure of a disk drive, then double the number of drives for "mirroring".
This gives a minimum of five drives (1 for data, 1 for indexes, 1 for temp and rollback, 1 for online redo logs, 1 for archived logs, the executables, admin directory), etc.
It is technically possible to run a small Oracle database on a single drive, but it is not a recommended approach.
5. Sizing specific Tables in the Database 
5.1 If your table definition was, say:
       field_1 char(5)
       field_2 varchar2(10)
       field_3 number
5.2 A reasonable estimate would be that an entire record might possibly take up around 52 bytes, 
    (assuming a byte per digit, and a byte for each character, although using Unicode character sets, 
    or whatever, and all calculations would change).  
    10,000 records therefore take 520,000 bytes - or half a Megabyte 
5.3 Indexes, of course, willa dd substantially to the disk space requirement.
    Assuming there is an index on field_1 -that will be 5 bytes long, plus the row id (possibly 7 bytes), so allow another 120,000 bytes. 
    Add up the total, double it just in case, and add extra for housekeeping. 
    That gives a estimate of around 1 to 1.5 Megabytes, which may not be accurate, but is probably a good estimate.  

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