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Related Components
Backround to the CRM Deliverables

The Deliverables are a set of related Components, which are produced in three Stages :-
1. Logical Design of the Data Architecture.
Documentation Standards will be Diagrams and Tables.
The Top-Level specification of the Data Architecture defines the Functional Areas and the 
data flows between the Areas.
The next level down consists of Entities in a Data Model, with one Model for each Functional Area, 
together with Interface definitions. 
A representative set of Interfaces will be defined in order to show the approach and to give some examples.
This will be presented as a Top-Level overview, supplemented with :-
  • Data Models
  • Data Interface Definitions
  • Data Dictionary to hold a Glossary of Terms
  • Definitions of Data Flows. 2. Physical Design of the Data Architecture Documentation Standards will be a Checklist of required Components and Vendor products, with appropriate supplementary detail. 3. Specifications of Implementation of a Pilot Project The purpose of the Pilot Project is to establish Proof-of-Concept. Documentation Standards will include :-
  • User Scenarios, (equivalent to Use Cases).
  • Database design
  • Sample Data

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