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Data Migration Tools - Features Analysis

All of these Tools can perform Extraction, Validation, Conversion and Loading into a Target Data Destination,(usually a Database).
The Analysis shown here is in the context of the
Data Architecture described elsewhere on this Site.

The Analysis is intended to help identify products which meet the requirements of the Architecture.
The key component of the Architecture is a Data Dictionary which can be used to generate executable code for Data Migration.

Here's a short list of some recommended Data Migration Tools, and
if you have any specific recommendations or comments, please email me.

SQL Porter looks good.

Real-Time means that changes to Data Sources can be automatically monitored and rippled through to the Target Data Destinations.
Most of these products can be set to run automatically at short intervals, such as 1 minute, so that any changes can be rippled through at that frequency.
This is not Real-Time, but for many requirements, this will be adequate, technically simpler and cheaper.

The Oracle WebHouse Builder :-
  • Integrates data from OLTP,mainframe-based, ERP and e-Business systems.
  • A Design Tool and an ETT Tool, offering powerful graphical schema design facilities specifically for Data Warehousing,(e.g. Star Schemas).
  • Source-to-Target Mappings defined graphically.
  • Code is generated and can be optimized, enhanced or tuned.
  • Compatible with the Common Warehouse Model.

    VENDOR DataMirror Comment
    PRODUCT iDeliver Transform Server Constellar HUB Web Integrator  
    Price $70,000 $70,000 $250,000    
    Approach Uses a Data Dictionary to store Mappings defined in a Transformation Definition Language.  
    Comment   Entry Level      
    Data Dictionary Yes Yes Yes Yes  
    Job Scheduler          
    Publish & Subscribe Yes        
    Real-Time         Within 5 seconds acceptable
    UML         Planned
    Validation of Source Data         Required

    VENDOR DataFlux DataJunction ETI Corporation Metagon Sagent seeBeyond
    PRODUCT DataFlux Data Junction ETI*Extractor DQ Broker Sagent e*Gate
    Price Range   $350 - $1,000 $25,000 - $250,000     $250,000
    Approach All Products Use a Data Dictionary to store Mappings defined in a Transformation Definition Language.
    Comment   Consistent Award Winner Industrial-Strength A Serious Competitor   Well-Established
    Data Dictionary   Yes Yes Yes    
    Job Scheduler           Yes
    Publish & Subscribe           Yes
    Within 5 seconds acceptable
      No ? Yes ? Yes   Yes
    Replication   No ? Yes ?     Yes
    Validation of Source Data     Yes Yes   Yes
    XML   Yes        

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