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The Requirements have been defined and are listed below.
The Area being Modelled is :-
Small Airport Management.
A.1 This is a Statement of the User Requirements.
A small airport needs to keep track of its operations.
It decides to establish a database system to do that.
Its requirements as the following :-
The airport has a manager for each of its hangers.
But at certain times, the hanger may not have a manager.
A hanger houses several planes.
Each aircraft has a registration number, a model number, a capacity, and weight.
Each hanger has a number, a capacity and location.
Both manager and pilot have data kept on their social security number, name, address, and telephone number.
Each pilot has license number.
For each flight we keep track of the date of flying, departure time, arrival time, destination, and hours flying.
B. The Things of Interest, ('THINGS'), include :-
B.1 Aircraft
B.2 Airports
B.3 Flights
B.4 Hangers
B.5 Managers
B.6 Pilots.
B.7 Others to be determined.
C. These THINGS are Related as follows :-
C.1 To be determined.
D. Other Characteristics of these THINGS include :-
D.1 To be determined.
E. Sample Data includes :-
E.1 To be determined.
F. Typical Enquiries include :-
Barry Williams
November 12th. 2009
Principal Consultant
Database Answers