Database Answers BAA at Heathrow Airport. (Click for Web Site)

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Airport Management
An Access Database is available on demand.
We have also created a Conceptual Data Model and a UML Flight model.
A Data Warehouse and a Flights Dimensional Model have been created to help with Enquires and Reports.

An Event-Driven Data Model and Data Warehouse are also presented as an alternative approach.

The Requirements have been drafted along with a starting-point to a Strategy.

A Reference Data Architecture provides a frame of reference.

A BAA Top-Level Data Model is presented for discussion.

Interesting vendors include Amor and Quintic.
Here is a POC for BI on the Beach and End-2-End

Conceptual Data Model
A Conceptual Data Model for Airport Management

ERD Data Model
I have added two Entities in yellow to demo Master Data Mgt.

               Master Data Management
The Master Data is subject to Data Governance to 
ensure compliance with the appropriate policies 
administered by Data Stewards.
Master Data - Flight Schedules 
Reference Data - Airlines, Airports, etc. 
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