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CRM Data Models
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We have CRM Data Models for :-
  • Call Centers
  • Customer Metrics
  • Loyalty Architecture
  • Marketing Data
  • Marketing Data Architecture
  • Microsoft Dynamics CRM
  • Personalization
  • Top-Level Data Model
  • Here is a Template for the analysis of Source Systems
    Whether customers call, e-mail, surf a Website, fax, stop in, or whatever, the CRM Solution Map serves as 
    the framework to build loyalty with each customer contact. 
    The Loyalty Solutions Map delivers on a CRM unique, four-step loyalty process: 
  • Identify what is the unique situation of a customer at any point in time
  • Create rules that prescribe the actions to be taken when these unique circumstances have been identified
  • Execute these actions across all company access/interaction channels
  • Report and diagnose the effectiveness of these actions on customer loyalty.

  • Barry Williams
    Principal Consultant
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