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  Products for Data Migration

This page shows one specific product in Data Migration, which is how a Registered User would specifiy the Steps in Data Migration that apply to his situation.
This Page shows the Steps in the overall Data Migration process. Select the ones that apply to your particular situation.
Click here to see how this looks on the User's Home Page after checking Options 1 and 4.
You can check the User Profiles Data Model that supports this functionality.

Please let me know if you have any Comments.
  Nr. Name Description
1 Cleansing Data Validation and Cleanup.
2 Deduping Eliminating duplicate Customer records.
3 Matching Identifying the same Customer with multiple records.
4 UATs Include User Acceptance Tests.

Which of the following best describes your present situation ?

I am employed by a company or organisation

I am self employed.

I work on a voluntary basis

I am a Student

I am not working



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