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Summary of the Current State-of-the-Art :
Interest is focussing on the emergence of "Data Webhouses" which are
Data Warehouses applied to Web Site Clickstream Data.
Ralp Kimball has an excellent book out called Data Webhouse
Here's a new book which offers ClickStream Data Warehousing, which gets 5 Stars from Amazon, so it should be worth a look.

And here's the current incarnation of Larry Greenfield's Page, now called the Data Warehousing Information Center.

If you are actively involved in Data Warehouses, you should certainly check
out the "DW Organisations" Topic below.

Details are available here on the following DW Topics ...
Best Practices
Data Cleansing Products
Data Dictionary/MetaData Products
Data Extraction Products
Data Farming
Data Migration Products
DW Organisations
Good Books
Industry Analysts
Industry Gurus
Middleware Products
Mistakes to Avoid
News Groups
Standards Bodies
Useful Links

Data Warehousing Conference(UK) London

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Universal Directory from LogicWorks "The Next Generation of MetaData Repositories",
(see Databased Web Advisor - October 1997, page 56 - 63).
LogicWork's Universal Directory offers very impressive facilties, such as :-
  • 'Revolve' to extract Data Definitions from COBOL programs
  • a Meta Database which the Users can interrogate
  • a Search Engine
  • a basic OLAP,(Sterling Clear:Access), to allow users to retrieve data via the Directory.

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    Bolder Consulting "The Web and Data Warehousing are a powerful combination",
    (see Byte Magazine October 1997, page 43 - 44).

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    Business Intelligence Highly recommended for Professionals. An organisation for DW Professionals.
    The Data Warehousing Institute Join this if you are a serious DW Professional.
    Data Warehousing Knowledge Center "The Online Comprehensive Sourcebook"

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    Building the Data Warehouse Author : W.H.Inmon
    Client-Server Guide to Data Warehousing Authors : H.S.Gill & P.C.Rao.
    Data Model Patterns Author : David C.Hay
    Not much on Data Warehouses but good on Generic Data Models.
    The Data Model Resource Book Authors : Silverston, Inmon and Graziano.
    "A Library of Logical Data Models and
    Data Warehouse Designs"
    The Data Warehouse Toolkit Author : Ralph Kimball
    "Practical Techniques for Building Dimensional Data Warehouses"
    Oracle Data Warehousing Unleashed Author : Bonnie O'Neil et al.

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    Forrester Research Broad coverage, including data Warehousing.
    Gartner Group Well-known for quadrant analysis.
    IDC Research Broad IT Topic Coverage.
    META Group Wide-ranging Information.

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    Bill Inmon Considered to be "The Father of Data Warehousing".
    Ralph Kimball Author of "The Data Warehouse Toolkit".

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    DBMS Magazine Buyers Guide Listing of several dozen Data Manipulation Tools

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    Comp.databases.olap Online Analytical Processing

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    MetaData Coalition An Industry Body attempting to set Standards
    MetaData Standards Council An Industry Council

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    Datamation OLAP Site - articles, interviews, etc..
    Data Mining Products Study by The Two Crows Corporation
    Data Quality Chris Firth's Links and Information about Data Quality.
    Data Warehousing Cambridge Technology Partners
    Larry Greenfield's Site Information on many Data Warehousing & Mining Products
    The OLAP Report Published by Business Intelligence Ltd.
    Raytheon DW Consultants

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    Business Objects Business Objects One of the Market Leaders
    Constellar Constellar Hub Executive Briefings are held regularly in the UK - Phone : 0171-887-0700
    Infoscape Fresco Data Mart Builder
    iHTML Inc. iHTML Integration of Databases and Web
    Informatica PowerMart Data Mart Design, Build and Populate.
    Information Advantage DecisionSuite Rick Tanler - Author of "The Intranet Data Warehouse"
    Logic Works Universal Directory "The Next Generation of MetaData Repositories" (see Databased Web Advisor - October 1997, page 56 - 63).
    Oracle Oracle Additions to the Oracle Toolkit, e.g. Express.
    Prism Inc. Prism Solutions A Range of DW Tools
    Prism Inc. Prism Solutions Inmon Generic data Models
    Red Brick Red Brick Specifically targetting Data Warehouses - with DW Extensions to SQL in 'RISQL'.
    SAS SAS Winner of the DW Product of the Year for 1996.
    SmartDB SmartDB Data Migration WorkBench - Winner of the Oracle Partner of the Year for 1996.

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