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Underwater in Fiji

The release of Oracle 9i introduces Business Intelligence,(BI) Beans - which are a pre-built range of Java Components to view Reports, generate Charts and Graphs and perform statistical analysis of data.
This comes with much easier integration of different data sources which will combine to have a major impact on a wide range of eCommerce and eBusiness Web Sites.

Oracle has announced the kind of analysis software which shows that the line between operational applications and business-intelligence tools continues to narrow, with their new Enterprise Data Warehouse suite.

Now you can build and personalize your own Portal. which is a great way to find out what all the fuss is about.

Verio is an ISP Offering enterprise-level Oracle with Reseller and Partner Plans.

Topics of Interest
  • FastCompany's Take on Oracle
  • Hoover's Views on Oracle
  • Vault over Oracle
  • Oracle's announces BI Beans
  • Oracle Careers
  • Oracle DBA Interview Questions.
  • Oracle FAQs.
  • Oracle Training
  • Oracle's Venture Network
  • Oracle Web Site
  • News Items from Oracle.
  • Technet Web Site
  • Tuning an Oracle Database.

    What's New

  • Online Portal Studio (3rd. March)
  • New Enterprise Data Warehouse (23rd.Feb)
  • Oracle's WebHouse Initiative. (13th.Jan)

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