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Oracle Scripts are at the top, and others for MySQL and SQL Server are further down the Page ...
Most of these Links will start up in a separate Window. I went throught this list on March 17th.2003 and removed the links that did not work. If you find any broken links, I'd appreciate it if you let me know.

Book Oracle9i Instant PL/SQL Scripts by Loney, etc. - 5 stars from one reviewer.
Book Oracle Internals Administration by Mike Ault "for the Senior Oracle DBA" - published in August 2003.
Book Oracle9I Sga Tuning: Oracle Self-Tuning Database Performance Scripts. by Don Burleson - published in July 2003.
Book Oracle DBA Automation Scripts by Rajendra Gutta - 5 stars from one reviewer.
Book Oracle Scripts by Lomasky and Kreines - 3 stars from 15 reviewers
Book So You Want to Be an Oracle Dba by Stephen Ashmore - 3.5 stars from 4 reviewers
Oracle DBA Toolz A wide selection of Oracle Scripts
Oracle Hot-Oracle Includes useful Tutorials in Oracle, Java and JavaScript
Oracle Oracle FAQs Recommended - Useful Oracle Scripts
Oracle Oriole - DBAs Community Excellent - 'Performance Enhancement Products', also a Discussion Group.
Oracle OraLinux Excellent - Member of Oracle Web Ring !!!
Oracle Stephen Rea Oracle Tips, Tricks, and Scripts from an Oracle DBA at the University of Arkansas.
Oracle Oracle Online Documentation Official Oracle Corp. Documentation - SQL scripts for operation of the Oracle Server. Brought to you by Charles University, Prague.
Oracle Ora DBA Support Recommended - "The Knowledge Center for Oracle Professionals" - includes DBA Forum.
Oracle Oracle Online Documentation Hosted by Charles University,Prague,
SQL scripts for operation of the Oracle Server.

MySQL and SQL Server ...

MySQL MySQL Web Site There's also a Link to other Useful MySQL Sites
MySQL WebSite Tools Good Source of MySQL and PHP material
MySQL Gossamer Threads Vendor selling "MySQLMan" - DBA Manager Tool
MySQL WWWoffle, Germany Perl Scripts for MySQL
MySQL - bottom of list Gossamer Threads MySQLMan - Manager
MySQL & PHP WebSite Tools Good Source
MySQL & Perl WWWoffle, Germany Perl Scripts for MySQL
SQL Server SQL Server Site Good Reference Site
SQL Server SQL QuickStart for Microsoft and VB people only
SQL Server SQL Server Site Good Reference Site
SQL Server SQL QuickStart for Microsoft and VB people only

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