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UN GC Analysis  
  • This page presents a selection of Case Studies of work undertaken by Signatories to the UNGC.
    They reflect the recommended Guidelines for publication of case Studies
    The presentation is in alphabetical order of Organisation within Area.

    Environment BASF Encourage use of environmentally sensitive technologies Germany
    Environment Nokia Describes initiatives undertaken to promote greater environmental responsibility Finland
    Environment Shell Supporting a precautionary approach to environmental challenges UK and Holland
    Human Rights BP To make sure the company is not complicit in human rights abuses UK and Holland
    Human Rights Daimler To support and respect the protection of international human rights Germany
    Labour B & Q Eliminate discrimination in respect of employment and occupation UK
    Labour Delta Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining Thailand
    Labour Sotik Effective abolition of Child Labour Kenya
    Labour WGA The elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour Philippines
    Multiple Aviva Aviva regards ethical practice as the cornerstone of responsible business. UK
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