Bluebell Wood, Prestatyn, North Wales
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Home Best Practice Communities First Timers Information Catalog Performance Users Search Site Map
  Getting started using our ICT Toolkit
This shows the ICT Toolkit could be used on a typical Project :-
1. Decide the UNGC Principles involved
2. Establish the Approach – 
  • Review relevant Case Studies
  • Review Best Practice 3. Single Version of the Truth - Establish the information required a. Determine contents of Performance Reports – eg Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) 4. Participants - identify the Roles and Responsibilities -
  • Became a Registered User
  • Set up a Community Bulletin Board 5. Consider publishing as a Case Study, following the UNGC Guidelines.

  •   Contents of our ICT Toolkit

    User Scenarios
    (1) Users can Register to join Communities.
    (2) They can check Best Practice and Case Studies.
    (3) Reports are available that Monitor Performance of KPIs
    to measure the Quality Of Life or any Community or Organization.
    (4) Consolidated Data is made available through a Data Dictionary to provide a 'Single View of the Truth'.

    Home Best Practice Communities First Timers Information Catalog Performance Users Search Site Map
    Click for details of Participants Click for details of Best Practice Click for details of the Truth Click for details of Performance Reporting