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Usability and Web Site Design

Underwater in Fiji We follow some basic principles to ensure that our Site is usable.
We evaluate good design in Web Sites by three features :-
  • visually appealing.
  • easy and intuitive to navigate.
  • quick to load.

    You can check our current Top Ten Favourite Sites.

    We feel that Flash is abused, and we particularly hate Web Sites that demand that you install Flash, and do not offer a non-Flash option. The design of a Web Site should be balanced between text and images, dependent on the nature and purpose of the Site. The Site should have a consistent House Style, which will help in navigation.

    Books that we recommend :-

  • Yale's Web Design Guide
  • Web Site Usability, edited by Jared Spool, an in-depth analysis of 11 commercial Web Sites.

  • We have to mention Jakob Nielsen's book - "Designing Web Usability", it has some interesting thoughts, but we feel that it offers a very badly-designed User Experience.
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