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Usability - Good-Looking Bank Web Sites
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1 Cazenove London, England   Designed by Luke Pepper.
2 CitiBank US & Global   Yahoo-style - crowded but lots of information and easy to navigate.
3 Bank Commerce Bumiputra Malaysia    
=3 Pictet Swiss    
4 Chase Manhattan USA & Global   Simple with an agreeable graphical layout and easy to navigate.
5 J.P. Morgan USA & Global   A very graphical layout which is easy to navigate.
=5 C.Hoare & Co. UK   Simple and dignified.
6 J.P. Morgan Chase USA & Global   A very graphical layout which is easy to navigate.
=6 Royal Bank of Canada Canada & Global   Straightforward, but a little blue helps it qualify.
7 Wells Fargo US & Global   Yahoo-style - not too crowded and easy to navigate.
7 N.M.Rothschilds UK   Very simple and BLUE !!!.
8 HSBC Hong Kong & Global   Dull - HSBC=Hong Kong & Shangkai Banking Corporation
=8 Mees Pierson Channel Islands and Global    
9 Bear Stearns US   Too much on the Home Page
10 Coutts & Company London, England   Takes a long time to laod and asks for Flash.

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