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Usability - Well-Designed Commercial Web Site

0 Sharp (UK) Excellent - Simple and Effective Predominantly blue - a few (non-clickable) images and menu options
1 Managed Solutions/FINEOS A O-O Software House A Beautiful Design
=1 FINEOS Site Map A O-O Software House A Beautiful Site Map
=1 TechTarget A Professional Resources Site A Beautiful and unusual Design
2 John Grindle An Opthalmic Consultant Good example of next-generation design
=2 Hill Station Beautiful Icecream Made by an American couple living in the West of England.
3 Harte Hank   Various IT Services, including CRM.
=3 Harley Street Guide to Medical Services available. Beautiful and unusual Design.
4 ChillSoft   Active Server Pages for UNIX.
=4 GetTechTips   Advice for IT Professionals.
5 Moving Picture Company   Beautiful design, by Reading Room
6 Tia Maria An exotic Drink with an exotic Web Site  
7 MediCentre Almost rules itself out because of Flash dot-com initiative
8 Motive Simple, and a good model CRM Software Product
9 Technology Evaluation Striking and unusual Industry Watchers
10 Annexio    
11 Robert Fishman Pottery   One-Man Potter
12 RFP (Request for Proposal)   Like eLance
13 Striva A busy Web Site. Markets Data Integration Software
14 Categoric A busy Web Site. Markets KPI Software
15 CRM Guru A busy Web Site. Useful CRM Resource Site.

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