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Usability - Good-Looking Online Communities

These are Web Sites where you can build your own Pages, use Email, Chat and become part of a Community, often with shared interests.

1 AngelFire US and Global Yes Clear, easy-to-understand, with good use of colors.
2 FreeServers US and Global Yes Excellent design
3 GeoCities US and Global Yes Easy-to-Use - Yahoo-style - because it belongs to Yahoo
=3 CommunityZero Global
based in Ottawa, Canada
Yes Good horizontal Menu Bar.
4 Homestead UK Yes "Busy" but simple and easy to use.
5 Tripod US and Global Yes "Busy" Information overload but offers Tabs to help navigation.
6 AOL US and Global Yes Ugly, fussy and busy.
7 Excite US and Global No Busy but acceptable
8 NetScape UK No Well laid-out and easy to navigate
9 PlanetOut USA No Can define 'MyPlanetOut'.
- Moonfruit UK and Global Yes Failed to load properly.

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