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The entries on this Page are the Top Ten in the Web Designers Category ...
0 UK Net Awards UK Check this out for the Best of British
1 Luke Pepper London, England. A Freelance Web Designer
=1 Ethos UK Offers a Web Audit for £150
2 Frog Design Europe Excellent, with lots of good, unique ideas.
=2 Creative Web Design UK Excellent appearance and easy to navigate.
3 The Hub London, England. An exceptionally beautful Site
=3 Can-U-Hack-It Brighton, England. Neat and simple, with one image and a few links.
4 Rubus London, England. "Most Promising Newcomer, 1999" (CBI)
=4 Active IS London, England. Blue, with lots of White space, with a few links.
5 Sprout New York City.  
5 ID Bias Paolo Alto, Calif.  
6 Stone Ward USA Good design for Gazelle,(Data Architects) !!!
7 Oyster London, England The Home Page is grey and black and gloomy
8 Reading Room London, England Winner of Best B2B Web Site Design Internet Business Award for 2000
9 Intapps England & Holland Internet BPR Consultants
10 Dot UK Did a good job for University of Sussez

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