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Usability - Micro-Breweries

Nr. Visual
Ease of
0 80% 80% Real Beer Portal San Francisco, CA Not a Micro-Brewery but a well-designed Portal for Beer Lovers.
1 40% 70% Miracle Beer Suffolk,UK Beautiful - with unexpected beauty.
2 70% 70% Mad Anthony's Fort Wayne,Indiana Simple and unusual.
3 70% 70% Doc Powell's Wisconsin, USA Simple and striking, with a plain white background.
4 40% 70% Lanterne Micro-Brasserie Strasbourg,France Straightforward.
5 40% 70% Mr.Beer Tucson, Arizona Straightforward 2nd. Generation.
6 40% 70% O'Ryans Tavern Somewhere in the US !!! Green and Pleasant.
7 40% 70% Kawartha Lakes Ontario,Canada Ugly black Home Page, slow to load, with a Visitors Count that doesn't work.
8 40% 40% Pacific-Oriental London,UK Busy with cumbersome Frames
9 20% 20% Mt.Nittany Brewing Co. Pennsylvania,USA
10 40% 70% Marble Beers Manchester,UK First Generation - ugly black with Times New Roman Font !!!

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