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XML Page
Nietsche - "Life is a Challenge - the things which do not destroy me make me stronger..."

To get some hands-on experience with XML, we recommend :-
Step 1. Download an XML Editor to look at XML :-

1 XML Authority TIBCO Extensibility
2 XML Pro Vervet
3 XML SPY Icon

Step 2. Generate XML from Data,(in a table or a CSV file),using DataChannel's XML Generator.
Step 3. If you are interested in Capital Markets, download draft DTD Standards for Capital Markets, after registering at FinXML.
Step 4. If you are interested in Financial Products, download draft Standards defined by FpML.
It might help to keep this overview,(from Bluestone) in mind ...

1. The Financial Information eXchange (FIX) protocol is a messaging standard developed specifically for the real-time electronic exchange of securities transactions. FIX is a public-domain specification owned and maintained by FIX Protocol, Ltd.
The mission of the organization:
2. To improve the global trading process by defining, managing, and promoting an open protocol for real-time,
electronic communication between industry participants, while complementing industry standards

1.1 General XFDL  
1.2 General Bellanet International Development Markup Language - Global Scope
1.3 General PDF Document Comparison of Data Modelling techniques
2.1 Overview John Bosak XML,Java and the future of the Web (1997)
2.2 OverView ArborText Excellent Comprehensive Coverage
2.3 OverView University of North Carolina 'Cafe Con Leche' - mixed bag.
2.4 OverView CNET A Technical Orientation
2.5 OverView XML.Com Sponsored by Seybold & O'Reilly
2.6 OverView XML.Org "The XML Industry Portal"
2.7 OverView XML Info Includes an Excellent Introduction to XML
3.1 Software Jumbo XML/CML Browser from Mozilla/Netscape.
3.2 Software SAX Simple Api for Xml - from Megginson
3.3 Software SAX Simple Api for Xml - from MicroStar
3.4 Software XMI IBM's XMI Toolkit to translate between UML and XML.
3.5 Software XML Spy DTD Editor from Icon Information Systems..
4.1 Standards Acord Insurance XML Fast Track Initiative - includes Weekly Progress Report
4.2 Standards BizTalk Microsoft's Initiative to establish a Framework for translating XML.
4.3 Standards cXML Ariba's Commerce XML proposal.
4.4 Standards Enterprise Integration Council Aimed at Intranet Data Exchanges.
4.5 Standards FinXML "The Digital Language for Capital Markets", with downloadable Standard specifications
4.6 Standards FIXML Financial Information Exchange Protocol
4.7 Standards FpML Proposed Financial Products Markup Language from IBM,J.P.Morgan and PwC.
4.8 Standards OASIS Robin Cover's XML Site, which includes a Source of Publically available Software for XML from OASIS,(the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards)
4.9 Standards OFX Open Financial Exchange
"Enabling electronic exchange of financial data over the Internet"
4.10 Standards W3C World-Wide-Web Consortium's DOM Specification
4.11 Standards W3C World-Wide-Web Consortium's MetaData Project
4.12 Standards W3C XML Standards
4.13 Standards W3C XQL - Position Papers on QL 98
4.14 Standards XMI XMI is an OMG Standard combining UML and XML
4.15 Standards XQL A Good Introduction to the XML Query Language
4.16 Standards XQL Formal Details of the Query Language from W3C
4.17 Standards XPointer and XLink Information on Implementations collated at Brown University
4.18 Standards XUL XML User Interface Language from Netscape's Mozilla Project
5.1 Vendor BlueStone A Range of Enterprise-level XML Tools
5.2 Vendor BlueStone Has a Sapphire Server Framework and shows how XML fits into an overall Corporate Computing Architecture
5.3 Vendor Bowstreet XML-based Directory Manager.
5.4 Vendor DataChannel A XML Framework with Tools for XML for Data Conversion
5.5 Vendor Evolve A Useful White Paper
5.6 Vendor HP Visio Templates for HP Fusion ***
5.7 Vendor IBM Check out easyXML
5.9 Vendor Megginson (1) Using the XAF Package for Java
5.10 Vendor Megginson (2) The XAF Package
5.11 Vendor Microsoft Microsoft takes XML seriously and cannot be ignored.
5.12 Vendor ObjectDesign Free Download of their latest Product.
5.13 Vendor Oracle Oracle has integrated XML into their overall strategy for the Internet.
5.14 Vendor Software AG's Tamino "Well worth reading" - With support for XQL.

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